Friday, September 24, 2010

Tough To Crack List

(While playing English vocabulary on )

1. dorsal - back

2. immoderate - excessive

3. lout - goon - an awkward mean fellow - clown - bumpkin

4. woeful - miserable

5. palpitate - throb - tremble

6. proclivity - inclination

7. nimble - agile - quick of moment

8. scruffy - unkempt

9. clunky - ungainly

10. gaunt - lean -thin -haggard

11. ominous - threatening

12. cumulonimbus - thundercloud

13. ratify - approve

14. seedy - shabby

15. putrid - rotten

16. lop - cut off

17. spry - nimble - lively - active

18. brash - audacious - bold - impudent

19. quag - a marshy spot - bog

20. snag - obstacle

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