Tuesday, December 22, 2009

~HaPpY BiRthDaY MoM~

Millions of red roses just for my Mom,
Millions of choicest prayers just for my Mom,

Millions of hugs just for my Mom,
Millions of loveliest moments recalled just with my Mom,

My heart feels the best thinking of you Mom,
On Your Bday let my noblest salute be to your Mom,

Life's unpredictable as we often say,
But Mom's golden heart beats with every Sun's ray

As Moon's silver light soothes every petal of the swaying tree,
Mom's wishes for her kinder spark all her burning endeavour glee

Mom defines love,
Mom defines struggle happily faced over a lifetime,

Mom symbolizes a gift often underestimated during the passage of time,
Mom symbolizes beauty from which the optimistic attitude runs life

Mom may you live a billion happy summer,
The roots of love discovering new places to cover

Like sorrow and joy play hide and seek,
May your holy prayers prosper every autumn and spring

In every deed of mine, may i bring glory to you,
The glory that reflects unending affection showerd uncountable times on me by you!

!!HaPpY BiRtHdAy MoM!!


Mukul said...

nice post !

Rita Loca said...

How lovely! Happy new year!